Unidad de Investigación Financiera - Nombramiento de Oficial/Encargado de Cumplimiento
De interés a todos los Sujetos Obligados a la Ley Contra el Lavado de Dinero y Activos.
Recientemente la Unidad de Investigación Financiera (UIF) ha efectuado un llamado con carácter urgente a los sujetos obligados a completar el proceso de registro, específicamente el nombramiento de sus encargados ...more
Special and transitional law that provides facilities for voluntary compliance with tax and customs obligations
We are in the final stretch, let's go to the end of the year 2022.
Without a doubt we have worked to give better results this year and we are planning our fiscal strategy for the end of the year, Therefore it is important that we take into account ...more
Tax amnesty
Once again, the Government of El Salvador approved Tax Amnesty with the purpose of granting facilities for voluntary compliance with tax and customs obligations, which will be valid until 10 December 2021 As an accounting and auditing firm, Ramírez and Associates, S.A. de C.V. offers tax advice in order to evaluate the ...more
Guide for the recognition of Preferential Tax Regimes
This guide is aimed at facilitating compliance with the obligations regulated in the Tax Code and other tax laws corresponding to the Fiscal Year. 2022, which has been modified with respect to Guide No.. DG-02/2020 issued by the DGII in September 2020 The Guide contains the classification of the ...more
Regulation of the Bitcoin Law in El Salvador
Last 27 August, the Regulation of the Bitcoin Law was approved, which will come into effect next 8 September 2021, with which the government intends to facilitate and ensure the application of the Bitcoin Law by Bitcoin service providers, ...more